Sunday, January 6, 2008

Roasting green coffee

Today I am roasting a few days' worth of green coffee beans from Papua New Guinea (Sigri locale). Though I'm not a real coffee aficionado, I started home-roasting about 8 years ago when I heard about Merchants of Green Coffee here in the T-dot. I love the idea of support fair-trade, shade-grown, organic, cooperative, sustainable coffee, where the co-op farmers sell the dried green beans directly to the Merchants, who sell them directly to me, for 8.00 CAD per pound.

(Fasting blood glucose 10.5/189. Not as bad as yesterday, but that's not saying much. I am going for a walk to pick up groceries and more wine.)

My favourite sport is badminton -- I played in the back yard with my brothers, and didn't realise for quite a while that for me it's a SPORT, not a pastime. I bought a membership to a karate dojo and went for a class about once a year for three years. Then I found a badminton club within walking distance of home, and found I got in shape really quickly while playing and having fun. I was able to get through a karate class more easily and started going about twice a week. I was THIS CLOSE to getting my blue belt when first my office moved downtown and then I moved downtown. My BGs haven't been any good since. So I've been walking past a Goju karate dojo for years now, and recently found a place to play badminton on Saturday afternoons.

Question: how did Haley Berry "wean" herself off insulin??

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