Thursday, January 10, 2008

Meno Paws

I've been DM'd for over 12 years but I've had night sweats for way more than that. My mom, who is 75, bless her heart, says she still gets them, godammit. She also claims her mother was going deaf before she died (in about 1952 or so), and both she and her last brother (who's about 78, I guess) both have progressive hearing loss. I didn't hear about this until a couple of years ago, but I'm lucky at age 51 to have pretty acute hearing still. My older brother suffers from hearing loss as did my dad (1923-1986).

Anyways -- if I didn't have four cats piled up against me every night, would the night sweats be worse or better?

Also, I've had exactly one mood swing in the last two years, lucky me.

And (guys, close your ears), my last period was last August (two in summer after 9 months of none---AUGH!). Diabetics should stay away from black cohosh in "natural" HRT remedies, I guess. I'm keeping my stash of feminine hygiene products in case any overnight guests need them. Or in case I do.

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