I've been reading (and re-reading, and RE-reading) this little guide book (159 pages) full of anecdotes and advice on various health improvements. I already have a considerable library of books and references and get a number of e-newsletters on "living well with diabetes." I'm a believer (though not strictly a follower, yet) of low-carbohydrate (or at least low starch), low-glycemic diets, though you know I LOVE my bread (and cake, and cookies, and pastries, and and and...). And I'm trying to eat less meat. (Tonight I had an orange sweet pepper, a big pile of steamed yellow string beans, and a good chunk of roasted salmon, which I am trying to digest with a bottle of water. And some extra dark chocolate, but so far I haven't eaten the whole bar.)
And I think this might be the book. I read it once and felt encouraged. I read it again over the last couple of days. Oh, I haven't spent much money in total on this library; mostly I got them off clearance tables and at thrift stores. I think to myself, one more might help with my motivation; there might be something in here I can use; gee, I really like the cover of this one. Mostly they're not for me. But I'm keeping "Take Charge..." in my handbag so I can read it on public transit to work and back.
You might be able to scroll through the whole thing here:
http://books.google.ca/books?id=kUsvzjgp_dwC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA11,M1Now, to finish Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking."
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