Now I need a colonoscopy. Not fun.
Here's my entry for the BabySealLOL contest:
Baby seal walks into a bar. Bartender says, "What'll you have?" Baby seal says, "Anything but Canadian Club."
Ha ha.
Today's fasting BG: 5.1/91. Wednesday's after dinner: 27.5/495. No wonder my A1C was 12.2 percent (but my BP, triglycerides, total cholesterol are perfect). I am seeing a registered dietician at the end of the month. I hope she can wave her magic wand and keep me from eating a box of cookies for dinner---or a snack.
Found a Homer Laughlin Fiesta devilled egg plate for my mom's birthday present at www.replacements.com -- this site has excellent service! But they ship UPS, which can be problematic, since I WORK when they try to DELIVER!
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